Independent, fiduciary fee-only, Registered Investment Adviser

Your Portfolio Analysis
What does the portfolio analysis involve?
We would like to schedule a 20-minute call with you to chat with you about your needs and concerns. We want to make sure we can provide what you are looking to accomplish. If we feel we are not a good fit for you, we will let you know.
If it's a "go" , after our call, We will email you a link to send your most recent investment account statement securely via Dropbox.
We will run your portfolio analysis, share it with you to discuss our findings.
Think about it. Decide if you would like to work with us to do a full financial plan for you and or hire us to manage your investment account(s). Please reach out to us if you have any more questions. No pressure. We won't bug you!
What questions will this portfolio analysis answer?
1. How is my portfolio doing in comparison to other portfolios with the same risk level?
2. Could my investment performance be better, or is it good the way it is?
3. Am I paying too much in fees and commissions?
4. Am I paying unnecessary taxes?
5. Does my portfolio include Exchange Traded Funds, which can lower costs
6. Is my current financial advisor doing a good job for me?